Wednesday, July 4, 2012

1NS Bloghop

It seems only appropriate that my 1NightStand story is about a wounded veteran this July 5th. Yes, it's a day late, but it's never too late to recognize our vets. And I honestly believe that if anybody needs love, it should be them.
Here's Wet Dream

Ex-FBI agent Ginger Hampton is not surprised when her date is a no show.  Madame Evangeline, owner of 1NightStand promised her a perfect night…but Ginger is used to disappointment in love.  The fact that she’s six feet tall, model perfect and owns her own high-end security firm tends to intimidate men.  In spite of herself, she’d had high hopes for this date.
Madame Eve’s email had told him to watch for a woman in distress, and the woman at the bar is exactly that. Chief of Security Cameron Jones doesn’t see himself as a hero, but he’s willing to check on a special guest for his boss. He doesn’t realize until he sees her face that it’s Ginger Hampton, his own personal weak spot.  She’s not turned off by his brutal scarring, and even flirts as if she’s interested. When he escorts her to her room, does he have the balls to respond to her interest, and stay the night? How can he say no to…
his own personal wet dream?

I had a lot of fun writing this story, and I hope you have just as much fun reading it.  Cameron was a sweetheart to write, and Ginger was the kind of woman I would like to be. Do you have a veteran in your life? Tell us just a bit about him. Or her!

You can buy Wet Dream at Amazon.

One person who comments will win a copy of Wet Dream. Be sure to leave your email address. And, of course, follow the linky to the next stop on the blog. There are some fantastic 1NS books out there, and if you're able, you ought to collect them all. Thanks so much for stopping!


Barbara Elsborg said...

I love stories about soldiers! Especially when they've done their tour of duty. And a tall heroine? Since I'm tall..... sold!

Anonymous said...

Great post and the story sounds great!

andieleah said...

The veteran in my life was my dad...he was an MP (and looked great in his uniform!) He served during the Vietnam War!!! Our vets deserve so much more than we can give them!!!

Yvette said...

Soldier stories are one of my favorites.

Jessica E. Subject said...

Thanks for participating in the hop!

Adding this one to my e-reader. :)

JM said...

Hi Ladies! Barbara, thank you so much! I hope you love them as much as I love your stories!
Kimmy, thanks for stopping. I have to admit, I'm pretty partial to it.
Andieleah, that's so awesome. I feel so bad for Vietnam vets, because they came back to such crap after protecting our country. And they still aren't recognized the way they should be! Tell him thank you for me, sincerely.

JM said...

Yvette, soldiers are my one weak spot too! I had so much fun writing this one, I'm creating another series around returned disabled vets.
Jessica, great hop! Thanks for arranging everything!

Drea Becraft said...

This sounds like a great story! I will have to add it to my TBB list. Thanks for sharing!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the great giveaway. And very appropriate for the day after Independence Day. We love our veterans!

jlhmass at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Very appropriate for the holiday! Sounds like those two will have a great time together.

mrs z said...

I love the 1Night Stand series as a whole. I had been looking at this one and is on my tbr list.

thanks for participating in this blog hop as an author page. Getting to see a lot of authors and add to my list

FantasiaFrog said...

Ooh, you've got me hooked! (jots title dowsn on tbr list). Great post!

JM said...

Hi Drea and Jlhmass! Thanks for stopping! I know, the timing was perfect, wasn't it?

JM said...

Vanessa, once they get over a few bumps they DO have a good time together.
mrs z, thank you for stopping. I love finding a series that I love, and even better, finding new authors with whole backlists I knew nothing about.
Hi Fantasia! Thanks for jotting me down!

Melissa Keir said...

I love 1NS and your story sounds like a wonderful read. I can't wait to read it! I love guys who are strong yet have a soft spot!

JM said...

Hi Melissa! I know. They have ti have a soft spot! It makes them human. Thanks for stopping!

Anne said...

Interesting set up by Madam Evangeline.

Arlene said...

I too love the premise of this one. Both characters pull me right in. Adding to my list!

Toni said...

My husband is a veteran. He's a navy boy. Gotta love a man in uniform.


JM said...

Thanks for commenting ladies! Arlene thanks for adding me to your list.
Toni, you need to get credit too, for putting up with the sometimes difficult life of a military family. And I totally get the uniform thing. ;-)))

Carin said...

Vet's in my life well yeah I have a ton, my dad, my grandfathers, uncles and cousins.(the best story is about my cousin who joined the Navy to see the world and then spent his entire tour of duty in Alaska in the Alushin islands)
I loved romance with military vets in it. Thank you for the chance to win a copy of your book.

Buffy Kennedy said...

Thanks for participating, I look forward to checking this one out!


JM said...

Hi Carin. I've heard Alaska can be beautiful in the wintertime. Did cousin acclimate?
My sister and BIL are in Hawaii right now, and I don't think they ever want to leave.
Hi Buffy! Thanks so much for stopping!

StacieD said...

I love heroes with scars. I don't want a perfect guy.

Geishasmom73 at yahoo dot com

Deena said...

Hey JM, I loved this story, but then again, I love all your stories. :) You gotta a special way about ya!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a really good story.

strive4bst at yahoo dot com

bas1chs said...

Thanks for being part of the hop! This book sounds good.

bas1chsemail at gmail dot com

Elaine G said...

I have this book already,so please don't enter me for it.Love the !ns series.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read this book.

JM said...

Hi girls! Thanks so much for hanging out.
I'll post the winner tomorrow, and I wish you all luck!

Ashlynn Monroe said...

Just saying hi and the book looks great!

Cathy M said...

I am proud to say that my son served in the Navy, and is cuurently on reserve status.

Love sexy stories about alpha military heroes.

Caity_mack@yahoo dot com

Zee Monodee said...

There's something heartwrenching about veteran heroes... :)

zeemonodee [at] hotmail [dot] com

Unknown said...

Love the 1NS books!

Molly said...

I love stories about veterans/military heroes! My dad is my military veteran....he served 25 proud years and I am happy to be a Navy brat!

Thanks for sharing about your sounds fabulous!


Unknown said...

This one looks awesome! I'm adding it to my wish list right now!

Michelle V
romanceinreview AT gmail DOT com

Lisa said...

No veterans in my life. I love stories about men & women in the military. Blurb sounds great.


Susan White said...

My dad and uncles are all veterans. Some were in the service during war time others during peace time. Proud of them all!

Thanks for the giveaway! The book sound awesome!


Unknown said...

JM!!! A hawtie in uniform? *wipes drool from chin, peeks over to the couch to make sure hubby doesn't notice, lol*

Congrats, beautiful cover and it sounds awesome!


Eva's Flowers said...

Cameron sounds like my kind of guy! No veteran in my life, but I know of several friends and co-workers who are veterans.

JM said...

Well ladies, I'm a bit of a dipshit. For some reason I thought the blog hop only ran for 1 day, and I announced a winner today. BUT! I'll just give away another book now! Oh darn (not!). Thats what I get for running two blog hops at once! Keep commenting, and all names will go into the pot for a SECOND book giveaway.
Thanks ladies!!!

Vanessa N. said...

This one sounds great. Love the cover.

bn100 said...

Thanks for participating.


Tamaria Soana said...

I want to read this one so bad!

Erykah Wyck said...

Just stopping in to support my fellow 1ns peeps.


D L Jackson said...

As an Army Vet, military romance is one of my favorite genres. Another on the TBR list.
Thanks for sharing,

Catherine Lee said...

Thanks, JM...I was confused when I saw your posting that you already had a winner! Thanks for giving away another. I like military romance. Jessica Scott's Because of You was one of my favorites recently.
catherinelee100 at gmail dot com

Julianne said...

Very nice post. I really like doing blog hops. I get to find new authors and lots and lots of books. I haven't read any of the 1NS books yet, but I'm going to, thats for sure.
luvfuzzzeeefaces at yahoo dot com

JM said...

Ladies, I'm thrilled to hear about all the vets and families. It really takes a strong heart to be either one!
Thanks Erykah for the compliment! I'm glad you liked it!
Catherine, I'm glad you came back. I just had my dates wrong and got things wopperjawed.
Julianne, YOU HAVE TO READ THIS SERIES!!! Each one is so unique, but they all have ties that bind each other together. It really was a wonderful idea my editors came up with. And all of the authors in the series have other books, so you will find some new favorites. If I find an author I like, I tend to buy their backlist, and I love it when they write different kinds of things.
Seriously, though, you ought to check it out.
Thanks for hopping ladies!!!

Pam said...

My dad was a veteran though I don't really know much about his days in the service. He didn't talk about it as far as I can remember. He was 50 years old when my sister and I were born and died when we were 26.

Thanks for the giveaway ... if it's still running. If not, that's fine too. :)


Brandi Slater said...

I see that you already announced the winner for this but the blog hop goes until the 8th so I am still leaving a comment to be added to the grand prize drawing. Thanks for being part of the blog hop!

Unknown said...

I already own Wet Dream, what a great read! Thanks for joining the blog!

teresa dot miller at tigerblossom dot com

JM said...

Brandi and Vanilla, don't worry, it's still going! I screwed up and handed out my book early, but I'm going to draw for a second book when the hop is actually over! Thanks for commenting!
Teresa, so glad you liked it! I love to hear that!

June M. said...

My cousin is a veteran from the recent war in the Middle East. I am glad he is no longer in the military though, I hated worrying about him so much.
manning_j2004 at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

I love a story with soldiers. A man in uniform gets me going everytime!!
bournmelissa at hotmail dot com

Dominique Eastwick said...

Loved Wet Dreams:)

Just showing my love to all the 1ns authors on the hop... happy hopping.

Kristina's Books & More said...

Sounds like another wonderful book that I need to add to my TBR! All of the 1NS books sound so good! Wish I had the money to get all of them at once!

Shadow said...

Sounds like a great story! Love the cover and title! I love stories with soldiers. Wounded heros are my downfall. I love them! Watching them find love makes me so happy! Thank you so much for the giveaway and the awesome hop!

JM said...

Ladies, thank you so much for stopping here, and if you've read Wet Dream and loved it, I'm SOOO glad. I loved writing it just as much! Men (and women) who have served their country, esp. if they were injured, deserve every chance at love they can have. I love writing those kinds of stories.
For those of you with veterans, I'm so appreciative of their service, and YOUR support for them. Hopefully they'll all come home soon!
2nd Winner posted tomorrow morning!!!

Unknown said...

I love men in uniform and wounded soldiers. I love the title and the cover is hot. I can't wait to read it.

JoAnna said...

My uncle was part of the air force but he never had any wartime activity that I know if.
beckerjo at. Verizon dot net

Emily said...

Both my grandpas were veterans, so it's nice to see all the love for veterans. Thanks for participating!


Adila Mammadova said...

You book looks very exciting. I find it so cool that even a woman not sure about someone liking her, there is a guy out there who desperately needs her.

Thanks for participating in the HOP.

Not sure I'm not too late to comment, because I'm from Azerbaijan and can't figure out the time difference properly.


JM said...

Adila, you made it in with 20 minutes to spare, unfortunately you didn't win. The second Wet Dream goes to ........

JUNE M.!!!!! Congratulations!!! I'll be contacting her email to let her know.

I genuinely appreciate all the comments and the time you took to take part in this hop. I'm sorry for those of you didn't win, but please keep my book in mind next time you're at Amazon or the Decadent website. Later Ladies! And pass on the love for all of your veterans!!!