Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Formatters For Hire

Continuing on with the Author Helps section on my website, I created a list of people or companies who format. Some of the names will look familiar, because they tend to do things in a similar vein. Meaning, if they edit, they may format as well.
SO, here's my list, and of course, if you can recommend someone or do it yourself, absolutely let us know in the comments section.

http://ironhorseformatting.com/pricing/ - I've heard from friends that Lee is fantastic!
LK Campbell           
http://kindleformatting.com/book/files/KindleHTMLtags.pdf- If you're interested in trying to format yourself, this has a huge amount of info in it. 
http://www.bellamediamanagement.com/   Carol Webb- also does covers
Steena Holmes at the www.theauthorsredroom.com. Also, on the right hand side are more listings for service providers.
Ted Risk- Dellaster Design
JimandZetta.com Ebook Conversion & Publishing Services
jimandzetta.com He does CS formatting and conversion for $1 per 1,000 words.
Basic Smashwords formatting blog- http://ddalglish.com/wp/?page_id=15
-http://www.reneeromance.com/#!formatting   She does covers, editing and formatting. Formats for $12 per version.
Also, check out the Women's Lit Cafe at http://www.worldliterarycafe.com/  and go to the forums area. Service providers list themselves there.

This should at least get you started. Happy writing!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

consider this website for converting to ebook
